PLCC’s Antidisplacement Work Praised in El Tiempo Latino
In a recent article, El Tiempo Latino highlighted the Purple Line Corridor Coalition’s work to counter displacement in both the affordable housing and small business sectors. PLCC member organization Latino Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) underscored their efforts to support small business owners amid construction disruptions and other challenges at this phase of the Purple Line’s development.
“The Latino community should know that the resources do exist and that the help is real and we are happy to be able to assist them,” said LEDC’s María Teresa Llanos. “We are committed to our community so that they can really keep their businesses open and make use of the resources that exist, because there are always many resources available, especially for those who are affected by the construction of the Purple Line.”
Read “Millionaire investment to preserve vulnerable communities before the construction of the Purple Line” in El Tiempo Latino.
Image Details: María Llanos, LEDC small business coach, together with Uriel Salas, owner of Hola Chicken, during her visit to the grilled chicken restaurant. Courtesy of Rafael Ulloa.